On 28th March 2023, No Whispers Community Interest Company (CIC) celebrated its 3 rd birthday at Lancashire Football Association in Preston. This was the company’s first birthday event due to the impact of Covid and foundation business priorities.
This birthday event was a celebration of No Whispers CIC and a chance to share our achievements. The birthday event was intended to say “thank you” to organisations that have supported No Whispers CIC and offer the opportunity for shared celebration to invited guests and members of the public.

No Whispers CIC birthday event also enabled people to network and make connections with Watson Ramsbottom Solicitors, Trust House Lancashire, Safenet, Victim Support, Progress Housing, Child Action Northwest, Release into Victory, Preston Domestic Violence Services, SLEAP (homeless services for young people) Counsellor David Lean from Leanonme, Reach out autism support consultants and of course, No Whispers CIC.
Directors from No Whispers CIC, Karen Livesey, Jackie Williams, and Megan Harper-Bates gave a presentation about the mission and vision of the company, the current context of child sexual exploitation and child criminal exploitation, sponsorship and achievements and training offered by No Whispers CIC, including the new Child sexual exploitation Level 1 CPD Accredited Certificate. Group discussions were facilitated to share ideas about “Friends of No Whispers CIC” and highlight the opportunity for people to get involved with future events and activities. As part of the evening, guests were given a No Whispers tote bag, the latest Resource pack, and a piece of No Whispers CIC birthday cake, skillfully crafted by chef Cath Dandy, which was a fabulous addition to the event.

The atmosphere was positive, vibrant, and inspirational as people connected and mixed with diverse individuals from professional agencies, voluntary and community organisations and dignitaries including Councilor David Howarth, the Mayor of South Ribble, Councilor Neil Darby, the Mayor of Preston and Councilor Colin Sharples from South Ribble and Lancashire County Councilor Anna Hindle from Preston.

The staff from Lancashire Football Association made sure this event ran smoothly with excellent facilities for the presentation, refreshments, and seating arrangements. Members of staff kindly arranged beautiful flower arrangements for each table which added a colorful addition to the room and alongside the clusters of black and white balloons, gave a smart contrast and sense of occasion.
In 2022 No Whispers CIC was nominated and short listed in the top 4 for:
New Start up business for Selnet and Karen Livesey was nominated and shortlisted in the top 4 for Social Enterprise Champion for Selnet. Karen Livesey was also nominated and shortlisted in the top 4 for Pride of Lancashire as part of the Lancashire Awards.
No Whispers CIC have delivered training to/for:
- Victim Support
- Community Gateway Housing
- Physis Quantum Care
- Progress Housing
- Evolve Fostering
- Croydon Children’s Home
- Let’s Grow Preston
- The Boathouse Youth
- Creative Living Care Ltd.
- South Ribble Borough Council
- Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner
- UCLan (University of Central Lancashire)
and delivered National training for the National Youth Agency and Inside Government.
If you would like to know more about training, events and activities offered by No Whispers CIC the please complete the contact form or
email [email protected]